Office Hours

Monday 8:30AM to 7:00PM

Tuesday 8:30AM to 6:00PM

Wednesday 8:30AM to 7:00PM

Thursday 8:30AM to 6:00PM

Friday 8:30AM to 4:30PM


10910 Little Patuxent Pkwy, Suite 103R
Columbia, MD 21044

Phone & Fax

Phone: (410) 992-4400
Fax: (410) 992-0112


You can request an appointment or submit a comment or question to our front office through the following form or by emailing
We will call you to confirm.

Questions for our doctors should be directed to

Cancellation Policy: To avoid a $50 fee, notify us at least 24 hours prior to your appointment to cancel or reschedule.



We are open and seeing patients!

To help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and to ensure the health and safety of our patients, we are taking precautions recommended by the CDC and Prevention and Maryland Department of Health.